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  • l nstant Assembly Connector
  • l nstant Assembly Connector

    Product Classification:Hoses and Connectors

    Characteristic:The new type plug- in connectors take nothing to connect but to plug in only.

    The new type plug- in connectors take nothing to connect but to plug in only. You don ' t have to screw the fixing clip, just open the spring clip then you can easily remove the hose. You won't need any tools to install or remove the hose.

    Material: nylon

    Temperature Range:

    -30°C-+ 100°C

    Protection Grade: IP65

    Major Advantages:

    The hose can rorate in the connector, which will reduce the stress.

    Convenient and time-saving installation proves economical.

    Compact installation size and simple open structure allows intense connections.

    主站蜘蛛池模板: 娄烦县| 岳西县| 廊坊市| 宁城县| 芜湖县| 临武县| 两当县| 通化市| 横山县| 古丈县| 安福县| 宜良县| 漳浦县| 浦城县| 原阳县| 宝坻区| 溆浦县| 儋州市| 永康市| 滁州市| 彰武县| 邯郸市| 阜南县| 十堰市| 五河县| 佛山市| 开远市| 平定县| 新野县| 九龙县| 蕉岭县| 邢台县| 德庆县| 南丰县| 新昌县| 双峰县| 宣武区| 甘南县| 耒阳市| 深泽县| 电白县|