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  • TP25 Series Plastic towline (bridge)
  • TP25 Series Plastic towline (bridge)

    Product Classification:Cable Carrier Series

    Characteristic:TP25 Series Plastic towline (bridge) Features: wear resistance.

    TP25 Series Plastic towline (bridge) Features: wear resistance, high temperature resistance, non deformation, low noise, flexible loading and dismantling, long life.


    Model Inner cavity (high X width) External cavity (high X width) Bending radius(R) Pitch Non support length(M) Type
    25.25 25x25 32x41           38.55.75 100.125.150 42 1800
       Under the open cover Four,  can be opened   Four,  can be opened
    25.38 25x38 32x54 42 1800
    25.50 25x50 32x66 42 1800
    25.57 25x57 32x73 42 1800
    25.77 25x77 32x94 42 1800
    25.103 25x103 32x120 42 1800
    25.25 25x25 40x46 45.55.75 100.125.150 42 1800
    25.38 25x38 40x58 42 1800
    25.50 25x50 40x70 42 1800
    25.55 25x55 40x76 42 1800
    25.57 25x57 40x78 42 1800
    25.77 25x77 40x98 42 1800
    25.103 25x103 40x124 42 1800


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