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  • Spring Dust Collector Hose
  • Spring Dust Collector Hose

    Product Classification:Operating Elements Series

    Characteristic:The spring dust collector hose is applicable with dust collectors and ventilations.

    The spring dust collector hose is applicable with dust collectors and ventilations. The hose is coated with high strength plastic inside and outside. The middle layer is steel wire bracings. The hose is flexible without any defonnation.



    φ32 φ40 φ45 φ55 φ60 φ65 φ70 φ75 φ80 φ90 φ100 φ110
    φ120 φ125 φ140 φ150 φ160 φ170 φ180 φ200 φ230 φ250 φ300 φ350
     We have lm, 2m, 2.5m, 3m and 4m spring dust oollector hose for the specifications above, Vhich can be applied with tool grinding machines, wX>d- working machines, slide way grinding machines, and equJpments for the chemical industry.


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