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  • BS Damping Piece
  • BS Damping Piece

    Product Classification:Machine Mount Series

    Characteristic:Features:The damping piece, which combines the damping rubber, bolt and nut.

    Features:The damping piece, which combines the damping rubber, bolt and nut,reduces vibration between the pcwer produce and the neighboring parts effectively.The damping pieces can reduce vibration amplification due to overlaid vibration from close frequencies, thus improving dynami:: conditions of the machinery.

    Load per mount (N):

    主站蜘蛛池模板: 绵竹市| 宁南县| 白山市| 玛沁县| 湘乡市| 丽水市| 吴旗县| 同德县| 沧源| 凤翔县| 响水县| 崇左市| 福海县| 格尔木市| 东台市| 西贡区| 和硕县| 静宁县| 达尔| 新巴尔虎左旗| 北票市| 双江| 三江| 临沭县| 大洼县| 景东| 治多县| 彰化市| 玉龙| 海兴县| 黄大仙区| 城市| 柏乡县| 盘山县| 德昌县| 新民市| 泊头市| 咸丰县| 东莞市| 诏安县| 武宁县|