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  • TK45 Plastic towline (Full closure )
  • TK45 Plastic towline (Full closure )

    Product Classification:Cable Carrier Series

    Characteristic:TK45 Plastic towline (Full closure ) Features: wear resistance, high temperature resistance.

    TK45 Plastic towline (Full closure ) Features: wear resistance, high temperature resistance, non deformation, low noise, flexible loading and dismantling, long life.

    TK45 Series:

    Model Inner cavity size Shape size Bending radius Type
    TK45.1 45x50 67x84 75.100.125 150.200.300 Open up and down can open
    TK45.2 45x75 67x109
    TK45.3 45x100 67x134
    TK45.4 45x125 67x156
    TK45.5 45x150 67x184
    TK45.6 45x200 67x234
    TK45.7 45x250 67x284
    TK45.8 45x300 67x334


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