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  • Waterproof and Explosion-proof Conduit for Cables with Woven
  • Waterproof and Explosion-proof Conduit for Cables with Woven

    Product Classification:Hoses and Connectors

    Characteristic:The waterproof and explosion-proof electrical piping of outer woven wave pipe is super softness and excellent bending performance, and waterproof.

    The waterproof and explosion-proof electrical piping of outer woven wave pipe is super softness and excellent bending performance, and waterproof, light structure and simple construction.

    Dimension specifications

    Type Size Model I.Dmm) O.D(mm) Bending Radius mm Length M/coil Weight kg/M Volume CBM
    Min Max Min Max
    YF-70503 3/8″ YF-705 12.3 12.8 18.5 19.0 75 50 0.47 1.39
    YF-70504 1/2″ YF-705 15.7 16.3 21.8 22.3 95 50 0.73 1.73
    YF-70506 3/4″ YF-705 20.7 21.2 26.2 27.7 120 30 0.77 1.72
    YF-705010 1″ YF-705 26.2 26.8 33.8 34.4 180 30 1.38 2.55
    YF-70512 11/4″ YF-705 34.7 35.4 42.4 43.2 230 20 2.050 4.21
    YF-70514 11/2″ YF-705 40.0 40.6 48.4 49.3 270 20 2.640 5.20
    YF-70520 2″ YF-705 51.3 51.9 60.4 61.3 300 15 3.390 5.74
    YF-70524 21/2″ YF-705 62.9 63.6 73.1 74.0 350 10 3.910 4.22
    YF-70530 3″ YF-705 77.9 78.7 88.9 89.9 500 10 4.870 7.60
    YF-70540 4″ YF-705 101.6 102.6 114.3 115.3 650 5 7.000 10.92


    主站蜘蛛池模板: 花莲县| 获嘉县| 土默特左旗| 宣恩县| 宿松县| 宜城市| 金塔县| 彭州市| 交口县| 宜宾市| 福鼎市| 白水县| 民权县| 平定县| 五大连池市| 阜宁县| 文安县| 莱芜市| 阳西县| 拉萨市| 临夏县| 革吉县| 唐海县| 招远市| 石门县| 淳化县| 图们市| 开鲁县| 新兴县| 客服| 聊城市| 诸城市| 卢湾区| 闽侯县| 云安县| 垦利县| 宣化县| 东兰县| 久治县| 沂水县| 双流县|