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  • YC Series Permanent Magnet Chip Conveyors
  • YC Series Permanent Magnet Chip Conveyors

    Product Classification:Chip Conveyor Series

    Characteristic:The absorbing amount of certain magnetic material is certain. The conveying capacity changes with different conveying speed and the pitch of each group of magnetic material.

    The absorbing amount of certain magnetic material is certain. The conveying capacity changes with different conveying speed and the pitch of each group of magnetic material. The magnetic conveyor is used to convey magnetic chip and powder with length less than 50mm. It's widely used to remove chip from CNC machine tool, combined machine tool production line and machining centers. It can be used with other type of chip conveyors and filtering machines to fulfill all requirements. All dimensions of different parts and coolant box can be designed and manufactured according to machine tools.


    YC Series Permanent Magnet Chip Conveyors  Technical Parmaters:

    主站蜘蛛池模板: 合肥市| 威海市| 高阳县| 台州市| 宝清县| 都江堰市| 贵州省| 阳谷县| 买车| 九台市| 张掖市| 汝南县| 马关县| 屏山县| 丰镇市| 扶绥县| 石家庄市| 休宁县| 仙居县| 历史| 长兴县| 清涧县| 克拉玛依市| 尼玛县| 星子县| 宁国市| 苍山县| 威海市| 凤山县| 资讯| 盐城市| 龙陵县| 康保县| 巴里| 巴南区| 湟源县| 沙河市| 隆尧县| 石楼县| 康平县| 兴城市|